Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm Made Of Duct Tape And Bricks

We all want to know who we are.  Whether you’ll admit it or not, I know you are wondering too. 
How could you not wonder? 
As the days go on, they turn into months, and months into years.  And still, we sit here, unaware of who we are. 
Define yourself.  I dare YOU to define yourself. 
The first person to stand up and honestly say, “I don’t care what anyone thinks.” Will be my hero.  But wait, there is something wrong with that sentence. 
I hear it every day.  Apparently no one cares what others think.  But if that’s true, where’s this peer pressure to be perfect coming from?  I’ll tell you where, It is coming from YOU. 
Peer pressure is an unrealistic term, because peer pressure doesn’t really come from your peers, it comes from within.  We are constantly comparing ourselves to everyone else, and when we don’t measure up, we blame it on our ‘peers’.  We are always looking for someone else to blame. 
Well stop, stop for your own good. 
You are the only person who can stop peer pressure, because if we would all stop trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations, peer pressure would not exist. 
Live for yourself, stop living for others.  And stop letting others live for you.


  1. YES.
    i stole some stuff.
    cuz you're awesome.

  2. defintion of me= 18 years old but i still act like i am 10. I still go to trafalga and play video games and love being annoying. I have never had a girlfriend ( im 10 they still have cooties.) i never want to grow up and will probably be immature my whole life. I try not to care what others think most of the time.
